Top Questions Asked In An Interview And How to Answer Them?

You’ve applied for companies and are ready to be assessed and judged by a potential employer. No matter how prepared you are, this feeling of being judged and not being liked by others always gives chills down the spine.
Sometimes preparing for a company you’ve always wanted to work for can be challenging. And somewhere, you wish that you knew a few questions that you would know beforehand to prepare better.
Well, You’re in LUCK!
No, we are not going to teach you how to read people’s minds but having scheduled hundreds of interviews, here are seven most asked and tricky questions for you to prepare yourself better for an interview.
Also, go through the sample answers that will help you better form your answers.
Without further ado, let’s get started.
- Tell me about yourself.
This is the most asked question in almost every interview. However, this question can be framed in a couple of ways and is often used as an ice-breaker. It would be best if you answered this question professionally. Keep the answer short and provide a brief overview of your journey.
State your educational journey and work experience, touching on essential pain points reflecting your seriousness about the position.
Sample Answer:
“So, Hi! My name is Anita Agrawal, and I’ve worked as a Backend Developer with XYZ Company for the last three years.
I have always been interested in being the backbone of an application and hold a Post Graduate from X University.
While working with XYZ Company, I led a project for database management and integration of new-age systems like machine learning in the application for the smooth functioning of the application. I’ve led a team of 4 developers and have grown exceptionally by learning from and with them. - What are your biggest strengths?
This particular question can be answered in two ways. First, you can actually state your strengths, the core areas of your expertise, or just tell what the hiring manager or interviewer wants to hear. However, we suggest you go with the first one, as it will help you in the long run.Answer this question in a way that highlights the two to three skills you really excel at and add a touch of your personal skills to make it more viable. Once you clearly understand your strengths, back it up with a real situation or story and how you were beneficial in the process.
Sample Answer:
“Thank you for asking. My biggest strength when it comes to working under pressure is my ability to remain calm and composed, allowing me to perform at my best, even in challenging situations.
At Company XYZ, we were organizing an IT conference for a client. There were some major last-minute problems, like one of the chief speakers cancelled, and their travel in the city was an issue. And we were understaffed because our two volunteer organizers got sick.
Taking up the initiative at point, I really enjoyed sorting out the things and marking a successful event.”
- What are your weaknesses?
The simple questions are often the tricky ones!
Talking about your weakness during an interview is always a tough call. Now, the trick here is that the interviewer wants to know your ability and will to learn.
Here, we would advise you to talk about your right job skills and the minor flaws you are aware of. Also, don’t showcase any fakeness and start by saying, ‘My biggest weakness is that I work too hard!’ You will not be getting a callback for this.
Try this instead,
Sample Answer:
“Being a part of a group of developers, and a person who likes to be behind the screen, I’ve always been lacking in communication skills.
Though I constantly try to improve on that, my shy nature sometimes gets the better of me.
But despite the fact that I communicate very less, I can assure you that I am very good at working in a team and knows how to get the job done!”
- Why should we hire you?
You might come across a meme that has this question! The possible answer that is stated in the meme goes because you have an opening, and I want this job. This will probably picture you as arrogant, and if you’re trying to sell yourself, then you can also sound desperate and needy!
The art here is to sell yourself without trying to sound anything like you’ve mentioned earlier. A good rule to remember is to stay away from direct conclusions. Try to persuade the hiring manager by explaining that your skills fit the requirement and how passionate you’re about working with the company.
Try this the next time you go to an interview;
Sample Answer:
“The reason why I think I am the right fit for this role and why you should hire me is that I’ve been working as a Front-End Developer for the last 3 years, and the skills I’ve developed over the years right fit the role.
Furthermore, I’ve been following the company’s journey and have always wanted to work with it. Moreover, I have closely mapped the company’s growth and know what future prospects can look like. With all this, I’ll be able to align myself with the growth track easily and effectively.”
- Do you have any questions for us?
If the question, ‘Do you have any questions for us?’ is not asked, then is it even an interview?
Well, this question may or may not be asked, which depends on how the interview proceeds. But it is most likely you’ll be asked this question. And to be honest, there is no right answer to this question.
However, if asked this question, you have to worry about not answering the wrong answer or not asking the right question. Take this opportunity to learn about the job and the ins and outs of the company.
Here are 7 questions that you can ask:
- What’s the best part about working for this company?
- What does a normal day here look like?
- Do you have training programs available?
- What are the performance expectations from this position?
- Do departments collaborate with each other?
- What kind of opportunities will I have for my growth in this position?
- What is the next step in the hiring process?
Bonus Question - Remember to put the icing on the cake!
you’re still hanging in there with us, then let us treat you with a Bonus Question!
There is this one question that does pop up once in a while in every interview! And over the years, the phrasing of this question has changed significantly, fooling every generation into believing they don’t ask anymore.
And so, has the answer to the question changed!
From answering, ‘Here at this company! I don’t plan on switching or moving to a different at least for a long time,’ to ‘I plan to stick till I see growth and stability with the company,’ a lot of changes in companies, people and the main reason to do a job in the first place.
While the previous generation, in their prime, was chasing the main question of survival, the current generation is cashing a lifestyle. Due to this, the answer and priorities of the people and companies changed.
Here are some of the possible answers that you can try:
Sample Answer:
“Well, I have always thought of becoming something that sticks with finance, research and coding, obviously. And somewhere, I have always felt like until I’m doing that, everything is fine. I know many people have something to do in their personal life, like hiking; for example, I like to understand finance and coding better. I also wish to give the world something that can help them understand the intricacies of finance.
And in the near future, I would like to be a master and find some financial patterns myself. Moreover, while you’re giving me professional growth, it will only help me understand this modern age better.”
It is always crucial in an interview for what you’re doing it for. If your motivation is growing in number and position, state it clearly, humbly and positively. Do not sound rude.
And, yeah! I almost forgot it!
Here is the bonus question that can be asked in many ways (Somewhere we know you’ve guessed it!):
- Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
- Why are your future prospects?
- How do you think this job can help you in your passion?
And the list goes on. This question can be asked in many ways, but while answering this, understand the company and the value behind your role and answer accordingly.
Now that we feel you will at least not walk disappointed in yourself after any interview, we’ll leave you to prepare for your next one. If you’re searching for the latest jobs, click here to join the SheWork Community and start your job hunt!