How To Do Salary Negotiation With Hr

The year is 2023, and the news of layoffs and recession are the talk of the town. While we see everyone around us working effectively, progressing in life and making loads of money, the feeling of being underpaid for the work you do is still a major concern across the world.
According to a survey conducted by Gartner, only 32% of the total workforce feel they’re being paid what they deserve. Well, what about the rest of the 68%?
Somewhere, the remaining 68% of the workforce have their own reasons to feel that way, but the talk with HR during salary negotiations decides how much you’re being paid. Though having a job in these troubled times is a great feat, getting paid what you diverse gives a feeling of satisfaction and boosts the motivation to work harder.
Having said that, every once in a life throws a situation at you where you have to make a hard conversation for your own good. One such conversation is the salary negotiations with your HR.
Whether you are a new joiner or someone who is already working with a company, salary negotiations can be hard. I know, this might sound unfair to justify yourself for asking what you rightly deserve, but the hard truth about life is that nobody is going to give you without asking. So, all you have to do is ask!
But every human is different; their approach, behaviour, nature, etc., everything is different, and that makes salary negotiations easy for some and difficult for the rest.
And just like every human being who wish for someone to tell you what you could have done to get that thing right, you’re here! So, without keeping you waiting for long, here are 5 tips that can help you in salary negotiations with HR.
PS: These tips do not guarantee a hike in your salary as there are a lot of factors at play while negotiating, but they will surely help you in making a point for yourself.
5 Tips on How to Salary Negotiations with HR
1. Know your Worth
The first and foremost thing you need to consider while asking for a salary raise or during salary negotiations is to know ‘YOUR WORTH’. This helps you understand the reward you get for all the value you bring to the company.
Apart part that, understanding the standard industry pay scale is also important, as you will not be the only one to ask for a high salary. Also, it is essential to realise that ‘NO’ is not the end of the negotiations.
Recognise the industry swing and adjust your expected salary index accordingly. Address the additional benefits that the company will get once they hire you. With respect to that and the changing times, what you are asking HR now might change after a couple of months with the company.
So, the first and most important aspect is to know and understand your worth and not to sound greedy in the process.
2. Be Likable, Yet Real & Authentic
You will only be hired if you are liked by everyone you are meeting. This doesn’t mean that you have to take your (or to-be) HR for lunch or something. Just making the right impression of your personality and the value you bring with your work can do the trick.
Also, apart from being like, you have to be real and authentic. The other two factors play an extremely crucial role in moving forward with your application. Understand that the people working with the company hire you, not the company itself. Keeping this in mind, negotiate by being persistent and not being inflexible in your demands. Also, explain why you deserve the salary you’re asking without sounding greedy to the person sitting on the other side of the table.
3. Be Reasonable to Explain Why You Deserve What You Deserve
You know why you deserve what you are asking; honestly, that is just not enough. During the negotiations, you need to convince your current or potential employer why you deserve what you deserve. The most common mistake that candidates make while negotiating their salaries is that they directly pinpoint their lifestyle costs.
You choose the lifestyle you lead, but not every employer you interact with will give it to you so easily. A good practice would be, to be honest during the negotiations and back your numbers with proper reasoning. Frivolous or baseless reasons for asking for a raise or a salary increase would lead to being stuck in the same bracket that they are offering.
Moreover, rather than adding your reasons with ‘-and also’ after every agreement or disagreement can make you sound greedy and dubious. So, point out your reasons beforehand and explain with strong backing why you deserve what you deserve.
4. Have an Emphatic Approach
In this world where everyone tries to sympathise with you, be emphatic. Have an emphatic approach while negotiating your salary with your HR. Understand the financial position of the company and other factors as well.
Take their point of view also into consideration and make your requests accordingly. As the negotiations are not just for money but also for the benefits that come with joining the company. Many companies provide a set standard salary index but provide many benefits to their employees with their flexible and employee-oriented policies. Leverage such policies to your advantage and make an offer considering all the pros and cons.
5. Be Ready to Answer the Tough Questions
During the entire negotiations with your HR, you’ll undoubtedly face some tough situations that we talked about at the start of the article. Having said that, don’t let your guard down and always be on the defensive. Answer the uncomfortable questions with confidence and honesty. Remember, you have to convince yourself that you’re worthy of what you are asking.
A few tips to remember during the entire process are to keep calm, be sincere and not come off as an unattractive candidate to your employer.
So, align these tips well with your skills, and you’ll at least be able to pull off some of your demands during the negotiations. All the best, and until then, join the growing Community for more job opportunities and subscribe to our newsletter for more such tips.