Career Resolutions To Make in 2023

The decade is about to turn its course as the end of the year 2020 is near. A new year marks the beginning of new hopes and light, all of which you can incorporate into your life and career. 

The concept of New Year’s resolutions is not unheard of. Since 2020 has been a tough year for most people, binding yourself to a resolution is not such a bad idea. But what’s better is that we have some suggestions on career resolutions to make in 2021. 

Whether your career graph went up or down during the pandemic, it is definitely a brilliant idea to add some resolutions to it to ensure you outdo yourself in the coming decade. 

Here are 10 career resolutions to make in 2021! Take your pick! 

  1. Learn a New Skill
    When you learn, you grow and growth is something we all want for our career. Now that we are mostly at our homes, using the time smartly is what you should aim at. Don’t just be good at the job you are doing, strive to be the best. Learn a new skill today and add stars to your resume.

    At SheWork, you can make your profile stand out with added skills to garner better responses from recruiters.

  2. Update you Resume & Related Profiles
    First impressions last and your resume does the job for you! Your resume is what your potential recruiter will view first and it should be nothing short of exceptional. Keep it updated and have a copy with you at all times, even if it is a virtual one.

    Update your profile at SheWork and get the added opportunity to find your best job fit for better reach.

  3. Find a Mentor
    If you are a beginner, the one thing that can really change your life for the better is finding a mentor who supports, teaches, and encourages you. Don’t forget to add your quest to find the right mentor to your list of career resolutions to make in 2021.

  4. Expand your Social Network
    Irrespective of which field you work in; social networking has been known to have its pros. ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ and you should too. Find like-minded people who will help you grow and push you to be better in your field.

    When you register as a Talent at SheWork, you get noticed by some of the biggest companies in the country.

  5. Hone your Interview Skills
    Whether you are comfortable in your current job or not, you should always be prepared for an interview. After all, a better opportunity can knock your door anytime.

    With the pandemic being still here, make sure you polish your skills on a virtual scale as well.

  6. Stay Ethical
    The one imperative career resolution to make in 2021 is to stay ethical. Office politics is not a new notion but to grow, you should move above and beyond it.

    Every office has its share of grapevine, but staying in the right lines will take you farther, not gossiping.

  7. Stop Procrastinating
    The one thing everyone knows they do but hardly anyone admits to is procrastinating. It has an abundance of adverse effects, both on your personal and professional life.

    What you procrastinate in terms of career will eventually lead to side effects in your personal life. Hence, make a resolution to stop procrastinating.

  8. Get a Work Calendar or Planner
    In order to make the optimum utilization of your working hours, you need to have a work calendar that will help you in staying organized. This planner will track your meetings and deadlines so that you don’t miss any.

  9. Pay Heed to your Long-Term Goals
    It is a known fact that too many long-term goals should not be on your resolution list. While you should keep your resolutions and goals manageable and achievable for added motivation, having a long-term goal would not hurt you as well.

  10. Give Priority to your Mental Peace
    Last but not the least, don’t forget to prioritize your mental peace. No amount of money can ever compensate for your mental well-being because you are irreplaceable. Take time off for introspection regularly and witness the positive impact it can have on your career.

Let’s Conclude

The year 2020 has been a challenge but you should only learn from it and pick positive energy.

SheWork is one of those shared platforms which has been trying to bridge the gap between good employment opportunities and women who have the right talent for it. Start your career on the right foot by registering at as a ‘Talent’ and explore the opportunity to get seen by thousands of recruiters throughout the country.

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