7 Best Professions For Women

It is often said that change is the only constant and if we are to take a good look at the graph presented in the books of history, the statement has never failed to stand tall. Let’s take the illustration of how the status of women has come to change. Throughout the years, you will find instances of women who have risen and challenged the self-imposed authority of men.   

However, that is all it has been, mere instances. But now, with the turn of the 21st century, we can sanguinely say that these are no longer just instances or occurrences happening once in a blue moon. Today, women no longer challenge men instead, they are taking over the whole lot!   

This blog will give you an insight into the top chosen Career fields among Women of the 21st Century, mostly in India. Organizations have come to appreciate the wave of change and charge women bring along, be it in-house jobs or via remote working.

Careers and their Nature 

Careers have a tendency of changing. Their nature is peculiar and here is what they really are about:  

  1. Careers are built over time. Advancements and progress only come after a certain time and experience span.  
  2. Our career will eventually become our identity. What we expertise in becomes our entire being.   
  3. While a career might pay off nicely, unless it gives us psychological and emotional awards, it is not exactly considered fruitful anymore.   

Women today are broadening their wings and deepening their roots. Here are seven of the top chosen career fields among women of this century in India.

    1. Entrepreneurship
      Yes, you read that right. The trends are evolving and you will no longer find only ‘Kapoor & Sons’ written on every second business wall. There are not as many women entrepreneurs in India currently. But with the changing times, we have come across the names of some women who have done beautifully in the domain. Manufacturing and retail make 2/3rd of Indian women entrepreneurs.   
      1. Vandana Luthra – the Founder of VLCC 
      2. Falguni Nayar – the Founder of Nykaa  
      3. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw – the amazing Founder of Biocon Limited  
      4. Malini Agarwal – the Co-founder of Miss Malini 
      5. Suchi Mukherjee – The Founder of Limeroad
        And thousands of others 
    1. Information Technologies
      Companies that have an equal men to women employee ratio witnessed an increase in their revenue, as per MIT research. The IT sector in India is expanding at a mad pace and women are keeping up with the stride

      From web development to web designing, from graphic designing to game development and from security to coding, women are everywhere. The internet is apparently a woman’s new best friend because remote working in the IT sector has grown exponentially this year.
    1. Finance 

      You will not even come close to finding sufficient number of females working in this sector. However, times are progressing and women are opening up about their future in the finance sector. Talking about the Big 4 audit firms – PwC, KPMG, Deloitte, and EY, about 40% of their staff is women in India

      Apart from this, we need more hero figures and here are some:

          1. Arundhati Bhattacharya – First Women Chairperson of The State Bank of India
          2. Kalpana Morparia – CEO of JP Morgan (India) 
          3. Anushala Kant – Managing Director & CFO of World Bank  
          4. Naina Lal Kidwai – Former GM & Country Head of HSBC (India)  
    1. HR – Human Resources 
      People skills and communication skills are must-haves for this field and since women are known to have a higher and advanced level of EQ or Emotional Intelligence, they perform excellently in this field. They are possessive of the core four domains – empathy, managing self-emotions, social skills, and self-awareness.

      The metier of HR is mostly equipped by women (at around 25% as HR Directors and 18% as Corporate Controllers) and rightly so!  
    1. Medicine  
      As per a study vetted by HBR, there are certain jobs that are better performed by women, the medicine sector being one of them.  Be it as a nurse or a doctor, women have shown impeccable results in this field.

      A higher Emotional Quotient is one of the reasons why women are doing wondrously well in this field. Here are some women who upped the level in the medicinal field: 

        1. Dr. Indira Hinduja – delivered India’s 1st Test Tube baby 
        2. Dr. SI Padmavati – first female Cardiologist of our country 
        3. Dr. Anandibai Joshi – first female physician in India 
    1. Psychology  
      It is no new information that women are excellent communicators and many studies point towards the same understanding. Hence, psychology seems to be the arena where women of the 21st century are not just working, but blooming. 

      Great communication, excellent observers, and exceptional listeners – all the traits that a person working in the field of psychology should have.  
    1. Media 
      We live in an internet-driven world and women are here to use it to their advantage too. For women who have a penchant for creativity and communication, media is unequivocally the unerring recourse.  

      While the ratio of men working in this field is much higher than that of women, there have still been some changes. English newspapers have a higher percentage (27%) of women getting printed on the first page as compared to Hindi newspapers (5%). But this is not going to stop women from expressing their love for their field and working towards a change.  


‘The biggest barrier for women is the thought that they can’t have it all.”  – Cathy Engelbert, CEO Deloitte  

There are no ‘whys’ as to why we choose the field we choose. However, to become the best in it and to excel there is something that does lie at our disposal. These domains are witnessing a surge in women’s involvement and we look forward to others reflecting it too. 

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